Men & Women Relationship in Sons & Lovers.
Men & Women Relationship in Sons & Lovers. Sons & Lovers is the first modern portrayal of a phenomenon that becomes easily recognizable as the Oedipus complex. D.H. Lawernce may have written this novel on the basis of Oedipus complex theme but the true purpose lies somewhere else. Through the complex & multi layered plot & structure of this novel writer wants to reveal the dynamic psychological relationships of men & women. The men & women relationships of the novel are overshadowed by suspicion & sorrow divisions & ambiguities because they are engaged in an intricate network of intimacies which are generally untrue & unnatural. The novel is about the relationship between Gertrude or Mrs. Morel & her children, particularly her three sons, borne out of her disastrous marriage with Mr. Morel. There are three basic types of relationships that can be figured out. They are the relationship of Mrs. Morel with her sons, the...