No peace???? GET PEACE

image of no peace , get peace

                 Today I am going to write a very important topic stories that is peace source place. As a human being including me, always race for only one thing, peace. Don't understand. Let me clear to you. Everything we do for what, for war or others cause. Of course not.  For peace . If you work all day and in night you find out that you cannot or not possible to sleep without tension, then it will be the most hell busted moment of your full life. Sometimes it drags you to suicide. But just imagine you sleep on your bed with a fresh mental computability and out if no tension, you will realize what peace is. In short of one sentence living with mental and physical satisfaction and having no fear of tension, is called true peace. Or otherwise you can act as you are in peace but reality you can see yourself into your private mirror. No more introduction, come to the point. Some experiences and examined paths to get peace.

01.   You should run after money for maintain your live hood but not as much to lose your love, care or affection to others. It is true that money can do whatever you want to do. But the run too much after money grabs the affectionate, love and trust from others for you. It is as true as sun that without morality, without love you are nothing but a jerk. You can’t make mental comfort or satisfaction. You can see the examples around your society. Or you can know inner what you are. So, if you want the bless of peace you have to do the step away from money and give it to build relation.

02.   Now a day’s people are engaged in such kind of work what they actually do not want to do. It makes a life time pressure upon that person. And this cause disturbs deeply in feeling of peace. They never listen to their heart. They have to listen others or the ongoing circumstances. It is not right. This creates such an wound that may recover hardly. For real peace you have to listen to your innocent soul. But the question is all have innocent soul reaming inside of all .Yes, it is obvious that you must have the innocent soul but that is dominant by the evil mind. You have to bring it out of all evility and step along with the innocent mind. Don’t believe in me. Try it you can discover the truth of getting the ultimate peace which you search door to door for so many years.                                                                         

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